Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Knitting Inspiration

Things that inspire me this month:
This Lion Brand Map Quilt is knit entirely by hand using intarsia and uses 25 different colors of yarn.  What!?!?!
Make knit objects, not war?  From the Lets Colour Poject
May have posted this one before.  It is a clock.  Made of yarn.  From Gretel.  I want it....
These clothing labels from Name Maker have got me picturing some "Ambitious Knits by JoAnna" labels.

HA!  From yarnbombing.com

Janice Rocema is my current favorite artist.  She has a tutorial on how to make this kind of amazing creation in her etsy shop....

1 comment:

  1. What is intarsia? My birthday = necklace like Ms. Rocerna's. ;) Speaking of birthdays...it isn't too early to ask you what YOU might be wanting, missy!

    My decode-r word I had to type: "athiast". What is this blog purporting?!
