Saturday morning, I got up with thousands of other Atlantans and ran a
5K Color Run. This is what I looked like at the beginning of the day.
I ran with a group of students from Rollins School of Public Health. Thanks to Laura for taking these lovely pictures that I have shamelessly stolen from your facebook page. |
That's me yawning on the right there. I am obviously way into this whole running on a Saturday morning thing. |
At each kilometer mark, people along the edge of the course threw colored powder at you.
This is obviously the purple station. There was yellow, then green, then pink, then purple. |
The volunteers had buckets of the stuff. The powder was floating down the street, coloring the cement and passing cars. |
At the end, all the runners had packets of colored powder to throw up in the air.
This is what I looked like at the end of the day.
I've been washing colored powder out of my ears for three days now. And I had to paint my nails to hide the fact that my fingers are stained pink. My clothes seem to have washed out ok. |
It would be cool to have a Color Run colorway in a nice fingering weight yarn. I would totally knit a stole or socks that looked like this.
Magical! And kudos to you on the Saturday morning run. You're a trooper.