Tuesday, August 23, 2011

And the Knit Goes On

I've been asked a couple of times if I am going to continue the knitting and the blogging now that I am in law school.  The answer:


I can't promise that I will be as diligent with the posting as when I was working my cushy don't-have-to-take-any-work-home-with-me-job but I am going to try.

As for the knitting, I promise you that it is happening despite the work load.
Please don't tell the Dean, but I totally knit through orientation.  It was a little boring.  Other highlights from orientation: they spent 72 hours trying to convince us that you cannot, in fact, die of law school overdose.  Also, my team won the scavenger hunt.  I hear that there is a direct correlation between how well you do on scavenger hunts and your grades in law school.  Just saying.

This is what I ended up with after orientation.  It is the first half of the Leaf Paneled Sweater I started earlier this summer.  I have to make another identical half and then knit the two together via the collar.  And you were worried I wouldn't have a boring beige carpet to take pictures on in my new place.  Proved you wrong!

I really like the stitch pattern.  And another positive: I think the sweater looks like it will actually fit me...something I really shouldn't say yet since I didn't actually swatch before starting this project...the swatch gods are looking for me...

It keeps me sane.

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